Network processors
This work was supported
by a generous gift from Intel via an Intel Research Council award.
Final Report
- Wu-chang Feng, "Final Report for Intel Research Council Award: Efficient Intrusion Detection and Response Systems", November 2005. pdf
Packet classification
- Francis Chang, Wu-chang Feng, Wu-chi Feng, Kang Li,"
Chapter 3: Efficient Packet Classification with Digest Caches",
Network Processor Design: Issues and Practices, vol. 3, Ed.
Crowley, M. Franklin, H. Hadimioglu, P. Onufryk,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005, ISBN: 0-12-088576-3. pdf
- Deepa Srinivasan, Wu-chang Feng "Perfomance Analysis of
Multi-dimensional Packet Classification on Programmable Network
Processors", in IEEE LCN 2004,
November 2004. Paper: pdf, Slides: ppt
- Francis Chang, Wu-chang Feng, Wu-chi Feng, Kang Li "Efficient
Packet Classification with Digest Caches", in HPCA NP3 Workshop, February
2004. Paper: pdf, Slides: ppt
- Francis Chang, Wu-chang Feng, Kang Li, "Approximate Caches
for Packet
Classification", in IEEE INFOCOM
2004, March 2004. pdf
- Kang Li, Francis Chang, Damien Berger, Wu-chang Feng, "Architectures
for Packet Classification Caching", in Proc. of IEEE International
on Networks, September 2003. pdf
- Francis Chang, Wu-chang Feng, Kang Li, "Approximate Caches
for Packet
Classification", in ACM
SIGCOMM (poster session), August 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Abstract pdf ps | Poster pdf ppt
- W. Feng, A. Goel, A. Bezzaz, W. Feng, J. Walpole, "TCPivo: A High-Performance Packet Replay
Engine", ACM SIGCOMM 2003
Workshop on Models, Methods, and Tools for Reproducible Network
Research (MoMeTools), August 2003. Paper: pdf,
Poster: sxi
| ppt
| pdf,
Slides: sxi
| ppt
| pdf
Network puzzles
- Wu-chang Feng, Ed Kaiser, Wu-chi Feng, Antoine Luu, "The Design and Implementation of Network
Puzzles", in Proceedings of INFOCOM 2005, March 2005.
Paper: pdf
Slides: ppt
| sxi.
- Ed Kaiser, Wu-chang Feng, Wu-chi Feng, Antoine Luu, "Reducing Malicious Traffic With IP Puzzles",
in poster session of USENIX Security Symposium and ACM SIGCOMM
2004, September 2004. Abstract: pdf,
Poster: pdf
- Wu-chang Feng, "The Case for
TCP/IP Puzzles", in Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Future
Directions in Network Architecture (FDNA-03), August 2003. Paper: pdf,
Slides: sxi
| pdf
- Wu-chang Feng, Francis Chang, Wu-chi Feng, Jonathan Walpole, "A
Traffic Analysis of Popular On-line Games", IEEE/ACM Transactions
on Networking, vol. 13, no. 3, June 2005. pdf
- Wu-chang Feng, Francis Chang, Wu-chi Feng, Jonathan Walpole, "Provisioning
On-line Games: A Traffic Analysis of a Busy
Counter-Strike Server", in
Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Workshop, November 2002.
Paper: pdf.
Slides sxi
| pdf
- Francis Chang, Wu-chang Feng, Wu-chi Feng, Jonathan Walpole, "Provisioning
On-line Games: A Traffic Analysis of a Busy
Counter-Strike Server", in ACM
SIGCOMM (poster session), August 2002, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Abstract pdf
| Poster ppt
| Poster pdf
- Francis Chang, Wu-chang Feng, "Modeling Player Session Times
On-line Games", in Proceedings
NetGames 2003, May 2003. pdf.
Slides sxi
- Wu-chang Feng, "Got MIPS?
The Need for Speed in On-line Games", SC|05 Masterworks invited
November 2005. ppt
- Wu-chang Feng, "IP Puzzles,
Probabilistic Networking, and Other
Projects at OGI@OHSU", Intel colloquium talk, Hillsboro, OR,
October 2003. Abstract: txt
Slides: ppt | pdf
- Wu-chang Feng, "Hashes, Caches,
Puzzles, and the IXP", Intel
IXA Workshop, Santa Clara, CA, September 2003. Slides: sxi | pdf | ppt
- Wu-chang Feng, "Security
Services and the IXP", Intel IXA
Workshop, Hillsboro, OR, June 2002. Slides: ppt
Source code
- CSE 580, IXP Networking Practicum course web site, Spring 2003 link
wuchang at cs . pdx . edu