Computer Systems Programming, Homework #1
Typing speed game
You are to implement a game that tests a user's typing speed. The
game randomly chooses words from an array of strings containing "The",
"quick", "brown", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy",
"dog". Each word must appear exactly once. The
program should output the time it takes for the user to correctly enter
the entire array of words. If the user incorrectly types a word,
the program must prompt the user to retype the incorrect word.
and requirements
- Random permutation of words should be generated via calls to
srand() and
- Seed srand() using the usec field from a call to
- Each permutation of the words must be possible.
- Ensure that your random permutation is generated using a minimal
number of rand() calls
- Hint: A modulus that decreases for each word selected is
sufficient for full credit
- Use timer macro "timersub()" for handling operations on struct
- In case you are using c99, using timersub will generate an error. You must add the following line before all other #include lines to bypass it. #define _BSD_SOURCE
- Timing should begin when the random permutation is first given
to the user
- Timing should end when the user correctly inputs the
permutation correctly.
Hints and suggestions
- Consult the linux man pages for more information on
rand()/srand(), gettimeofday(), timersub(), printf()/scanf(), strlen(),
game session
mashimaro% ls
Makefile typing_word_game.c
mashimaro% make
gcc -m32 -g -o typing_word_game typing_word_game.c
mashimaro% ./typing_word_game
This is a game that tests typing speed
Type the following words:
word #1 is fox: foxy
Incorrect. Try again.
word #1 is fox: fo
Incorrect. Try again.
word #1 is fox: fox
word #2 is The: The
word #3 is brown: brown
word #4 is lazy: lazy
word #5 is jumped: jumped
word #6 is over: over
word #7 is quick: quick
word #8 is dog: dog
word #9 is the: the
Correct! Your time is: 20 sec 222855 usec